5 Best Landscaping Ideas

June 19, 2019    By

1. Greet Guests with Flowers Flowers always make a home seem more welcoming. Adorn your entrance with assorted annuals and perennials to keep your home awash with color all year long. Petunia, Snapdragon, Lily-of-the-Nile, and ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ roses are great additions to your entry mise-en-scene. Also, if you have only... Read More

Beautify your home with stone cladding

June 12, 2019    By

Wall cladding can change the overall look of a house without too much hassle especially if you are working on a shoe-string budget. So, if you are looking to make small but noticeable changes to create that dramatic effect in your home, a simple case of wall cladding might just... Read More

Selecting the right plants to grow in your compound

June 5, 2019    By

Plants add life and ambience to a compound, besides offering privacy from prying eyes. However, it is important to choose home-friendly plants. This is because some of the trees considered ornamental pose serious risks to your landscape (house, perimeter walls, and septic tanks). Some plants are also known to attract... Read More